Bible Studies on Zoom
Join us on ZOOM for Wednesday evening and Thursday morning discussions
Wednesday Bible Study. 6:30 pm
The Wednesday evening Bible Study Series is entitled “Christ in the Old Testament”. This 8–10-week course will help attendees to understand the Old Testament in light of the New Covenant of Jesus. Her next study series is planned for early November and will focus on the missionary journeys of Paul. The ZOOM link is sent our by email.
November 7, 2024
Dear Members and Friends of Trinity,
Our Bible study group will continue with Fear of the Other: No Fear in Love by William H. Willimon, Presiding Bishop of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church, Birmingham, AL area, and Visiting Research Professor, Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC. If you do not have a book, but wish to join the study, you are welcome to join the discussion on ZOOM. We will finish Chapter 3 “Learning to Fear Like Christians” (35-58)
Some questions to consider:
· We receive grace, but do we give it?
· Does it cost you to welcome the “other?”
· What about other faiths?
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,
ZOOM Link:
Time: Nov 7, 2024 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 874 2888 5881
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Dial 1-646-876-9923 and enter Meeting ID 874 2888 5881 when prompted